- 5th-7th September 15.00-21.00
- 8th September 13.00 Defense
- Zentrum Fokus Forschung, Rustenschacher Allee 2-4, 1020 Vienna and at occasions online.
- Entry is free of charge and the live program is different on each day.
For those of you who wish to attend the defense presentation online, please follow the link (please arrive 5 minutes before): https://dieangewandte-at.zoom.us/j/62609595469m
Scroll down for detailed description of program points.

Every day:
17.30 - 21.00
Come and go as you want.
Monday 5.9
5/9 15.00-17.00 ZFF
Choreographic Clues reflects the political potential of scores and game structures to redesign and practice other realities. The workshop invites you to look at choreography and instruction-based art through play and game mechanics. We will pay attention to things like contingency, agency as well as micro and macro mechanics. Choreographic Clues as a practice originally derived out of the work Treasure Hunting (co-produced by WUK, Vienna Ruth 2016). The practice is also at the centre of Withdrawing the Performer, a research project Ruth works on together with Jasmin Schaitl Performer/Visual artist where we look at the role of the facilitator inside participatory art (INTRA/University of Applied Arts 20-21). A curiosity in designing and bending the rules, multiple interpretations and physical non-spoken intelligence can be of use but is not necessary for participating in this workshop. If weather allows we will be partly outside in the garden so bring also comfortable shoes. No professional dance experience needed.
Workshops have limited amount of participants, to participate in the workshop please send an email to charlotta.ruth@uni-ak.ac.at mentioning name, email and which workshop you want to do.
COMMUNICATING WITH POSSIBLE RECEIVERS - a tribute to the 45th anniversary of the Voyager 1 leaving earth - conversation, experiment
5/9 19.00 ZFF
In this conversation conceived as part experiment, sound artist Christian Schröder and Charlotta Ruth continue their exchange about the human wish to be in touch, to send and receive messages and the impossibility of being understood by everyone. The conversation began in the context of Schröder’s project Love’s Labour’s Lost where Schröder this time creates a public outdoor event playing sound to the Voyager 1 & 2 that were sent into space 45 years ago (see also the extra program on Thursday 8.9). Based in Ruth’s practice choreographic clues and their common interest in misusing communication technology, Schröder and Ruth test how different type of media translates content and reach out to their peers Tuomas Laitinen (in Finland) and Jasmin Schaitl (in Czech Republic) to -possibly- receive answers.
Tuesday 6.9
DROP IN ONLINE ART - performance, video, flexible podcast, participatory writing
6/9 15.00-17.00 https://dieangewandte-at.zoom.us/j/63007053377
Starting in a zoom link, Peter Mills or PETER or maybe a robot will guide you to Ruth’s and her collaborators works that have been made for the online context. In a break-out room you find Ruth performing Living Documents - a looped live performance that due to the pandemic situation also exists as an online version. You can come and go as you like.
LIVING DOCUMENTS - performance
6/9 17.30 - 19.00 ZFF
Living Documents is a series of looped choreographic live installations created by Dominik Grünbühel & Charlotta Ruth together with Jenni-Elina von Bagh, Anna Öberg and PETER from 2017-2020. The project embraces the difficulty to document live-performance and through the five very different practices, different aspects of documentation are performatively explored. At the festival Ruth’s loop is played live and methods and discursive material from the project are shared.
Ruth’s loop deals with time and how perception is being renegotiated through memory. Sticking her head into a leaf helmet, Ruth records 11 words spread over 2.5 minutes. Time... questions... and... renegotiates... space... reality... unfolds... automatically... when... something... repeats... The sentence is played back and expanded through the action inside four different situations. The recording acts as an echo or premonition of the evolving act creating friction between the live and the recorded. Connotating a crime investigation, Ruth recalls with the help of the visitors where the art (the act) took place. Blue tape creates a growing landscape of traces and a (project) report is typed onto a white cube (a led-screen) creating temporary evidence of the vanishing act and determining the position for the recurring 2.5 minute lecture.
Set Design: Luke Baio, Programming & Sound: Johannes Burström, programming Johanna Pfabigan, Metal-construction: Andreas Strauss Leaf Helmet originally part of treasure hunting Set-Design Sofia Romberg/Laura Weiss/Alessandra Kopp
DEBRIEF - conversation
6/9 20.00
The activities of the day are reflected upon and connected to the research on liveness in an informal conversation.
Wednesday 7.9
7/9 15.00-17.00
This workshop invites to a series of exercises that strategically confuse the binaries between free/automatic writing and human/machine thinking. We will play with words, code and the relational space that emerges between participants. The focus is on how analogue and digitally interfered constrained writing can support experimental and collaborative thinking processes. The exercises are part of Questionology an ongoing art project and research environment conceived by writer-artist Cordula Daus and choreographer Charlotta Ruth. Together with our collaborator, the artist and programmer Simon Repp and the participants of the workshop we will activate some of Questionology’s core elements – the art of questioning.
Workshops have limited amount of participants, to participate in the workshop please send an email to charlotta.ruth@uni-ak.ac.at mentioning name, email and which workshop you want to do.
WHICH DOCTOR - one on one performance
7/9 17.30h - 21.00h
Which Doctor is a hybrid media hospital that can be found inside the tent on the backside of the ZFF building. Appointments can be booked via the library counter and last around 10 minutes. Which Doctor will check your levels and if you are lucky give you a dream prescription. Performance: [M] Dudeck. Architecture: Hinnerk Utermann. Technical set-up and sound: Simon Repp. Which Doctor was originally a part of Questionology - Programm für angewandtes Fragen (co-produced by brut-wien), Daus/Ruth 2021
7/9 18.00 and 19.00
In the Questionology Memory Tour performer Waltraud Brauner, aka Almost Dr. Brauner invites us to re-visit things that are both there and not there in the garden of Zentrum Fokus Forschung. The ca. 30 minute performance is inspired by Ruth’s practice Analogue Augmented Reality, Cordula Daus’ engagement with on-site writing and Brauner’s practice of photography. The tour is a rework of the guided tour Brauner gave in 2021 as part of Questionology - Programm für Angewandtes Fragen (Daus/Ruth 2021). Understanding German is helpful but not necessary for going on this tour. More important is a curiosity in important and unimportant details.
CHAMBER PLAY - work in progress performance
7/9 18.30 - 20.00 Come and go as you want.
In this never ending work in progress Charlotta Ruth and Cordula Daus constrain their collaborative thinking and writing in the format of a chamber play. PhD researcher on liveness (Ruth) meets PhD researcher on intensity in language (Daus) and the confusion between what is scripted and what is not turns, sometimes, amazing. The starting point this time can be found in an interactive document hosted by the non political correct Software often used in their practice: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sBjwzYmCxbepMgVI4CvVvdpK58-kZ8wb2SmDIHCxDZE/edit#heading=h.kt5xytbrjvrk
PS: Guest thinkers are very welcome! Feel free to add comments. We might also use towels for support and make use of the almost-published zine Questionology - Are you there? (Errant Bodies Press.) But this we haven’t decided yet.
DEBRIEF - conversation
7/9 20.00
The activities of the day are reflected upon and connected to the research on liveness in an informal conversation.
Thursday 8.9
8/9 13.00 - 13.45
Followed by questions from the Jury
The examination committee is made up of: Univ.-Prof. Jan Svenungsson (chair), University of Applied Arts Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Margarete Jahrmann (supervisor), Univ.- Prof. Rebecca Hilton (external appraiser, Stockholm University of the Arts).
For those of you who wish to attend the defense presentation online, please follow the link (please arrive 5 minutes before): https://dieangewandte-at.zoom.us/j/62609595469m
8/9 18.00
I recommend to join the public sound installation conceived by Christian Schröder at another green jewel: Volkspark Laaerberg. More information about Love’s Labour’s Lost - Voyager.