
Audiovisual tools are often part of the transdisciplinary works I develop for live environments (see for instance video treasure hunts). I also create short videos, audio works and works for online. Currently I'm working on a video version of the piece Towelism that I was commissioned to create for the students at the dance department at MUK, Vienna. Scroll the menu for example of non-live works. Below are also links to works of mine that are commissioned or published on other websites as well as collaborative invitations.

Outerwoman Podcast Podcast episodes "On midwifing - the metaphor strikes back" and "birthing (feat. Split Ass Agony)" developed with Cordula Daus, 24

PETER, dance with Charlotta Ruth a podcast where Peter Mills invited me to share a dance with the listeners and talk about my work, 23. Whole series available here:

Questionnaire documentation of interactive questionnaire created with Cordula Daus & Simon Repp, 21

GHOST AUDIENCE Video made in collaboration with Dominik Grünbühel, commissioned by brut-wien, 20

Dear Presence video commissioned by Työhuone (Simo Kellokumpu & Vincent Roumagnac), Helsinki Finland / Pandemia Mundi, 20 

What is liveness and what can it be? Video-essay, Journal of Embodied Research JER 3.2 20