Since 2017 I have been associated to the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where I concluded my PhD in artistic research in 2022. My PhD project Choreographic Contingencies for on- and offline focused on the concept of liveness, asking how liveness can be constructed if we are not here and now together. The research bridged performance studies and concrete tools from performative practice with contemporary discourse and practices in the fields of net art, game art, philosophy of technology and media studies. 

My most recent research has focused on the facilitator role and specifically facilitation of participation as well as documentation of socially engaged performance practices. I am also frequently invited as a guest researcher where I contribute to research design and formats of outreach and publications.

outerwoman (Elise Richter PEEK) is an artistic research project headed by Cordula Daus in collaboration with Sebastian Bark, [M] Dudeck and myself. The project investigates and develops imaginaries surrounding the human reproductive complex. Situated between language art, performance, feminist theory, and phenomenology-inspired field studies, the project works with a variety range of approaches to create fables, performative settings, and conversations around family-un/making, non/fertile subjectivities, and co-creation. 21- ongoing

Archives in Practice (Intra, University of Applied Arts Vienna) Tracing, Actualising and Transmitting Socially Engaged Performance Practices. Project leader in collaboration with Olivia Jaques and Marlies Surtmann, Angewandte Performance Laboratory 22-24.

Simultaneous Arrivals simularr (PEEK/FWF). Artistic research project on novel forms of collaborative practices. Chosen as a postdoc guest researcher after a public call. Collaborating with Project lead sound and digital artist Hanns Holger Rutz (IEM, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz; Gustav Mahler Private University for Music Klagenfurt) installation artist Nayarí Castillo (ISD, Graz University of Technology), architectural researcher Franziska Hederer (ISD, Graz University of Technology), Sound Artist Daniele Pozzi (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz), Ludwig Elblaus Composer and musician (KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm). I contributed to the first interval in 23.

Withdrawing the Performer (Intra, University of Applied Arts Vienna) Project leader in collaboration with Jasmin Schaitl, researching immaterial material and the performer-facilitator role inside participatory art in collaboration with Neuroscientist/Performer Imani Ramses and guest artists. Angewandte Performance Laboratory 21-22. Publication in Reposition, direct link: Withdrawing the Performer facilitating participatory-sense making

Neuromatic Game Art (PEEK-FWF) Margarete Jahrmann, University of Applied Arts Vienna, 2 year part time employment inside the research group, in charge of artistic research contribution and performative research design. Research focus on artistic misuse of brain devices for game/play and self-expression contextualised through a critical analysis of wearables 20-22. Example of Performative and reflexive outcome:

Contingent Agencies (PEEK-FWF) Nikolaus Gansterer and Alex Arteaga. Practice based research contribution in the frame of the lab Notations, Reflections & Strategies of Display Oct. 21. 

Six Formats (PEEK-FWF) Ingrid Cogne, The arts-based research project Six Formats (February 2015 - June 2018) analysed various formats commonly used in relation to arts-based knowledge articulation and/or communication in the present day: publication, exhibition, symposium, lecture-performance, screening, and workshop. I contributed to the research on the format "workshop" and also to the publication Object of Communication