
After an initial donation of 10 € and 1h (as stated in a contract) Treasure Hunting operated on Time-donation. After the first Erlebnis-level Treasure Hunters were informed that their 1 h was up and asked if they wanted to donate more time to the system by proceeding to level 2.The 3 levels in the Treasure Hunting system Erlebnis (Experience), Erfahrung (Experience, Empirical Knowledge), Erschaffung (Creation) were explained to the Treasure Hunters with the help of a 3D logo upon arrival at the Help Desk (image right). In average Treasure Hunters stayed approximately 3,5 h some stayed up to 8 h, returning on more days. Treasure Hunting welcomed participants on 8 occasions in November 2016.

TREASURE HUNTING, WUK Performing Arts Vienna 2016

 "..klingt harmlos, ist aber ein raffiniertes Wahrnehmungsabenteuer.." Ploebst H. (14. November 2016) DER STANDARD

Live transmitted instructions were given to the Treasure Hunters via a PA system at the Help Desk and in the yard. To listen to a recording of the The 'Stimme' (voice) guiding the Treasure Hunters in an experimental To-Do list click here (german).

A video-walk introduced the Treasure Hunters to finding 'Treasures' hidden in the everyday environment at WUK (e.g. apple, paper-note, cup). By following the video the Treasure Hunters were instructed of where to go, which doors to open and what to bring with them.
'Wanderung' (hike) played with the metaphor of nature and took the treasure hunters on an epic walk inside the huge brick building, one clue leading to the next, with the effect of Treasure Hunters getting lost in time and space.
Treasure Hunters - the visitors themselves, completed tasks needed for the Treasure Hunting system to run. E.g. delivering, creating and collecting 'treasures' as well as filling the system with information through their word donation at a Kommunikationszone (communication zone).
'Beichte' (confession), invited Treasure Hunters to confess for 'Das grosse Ganze' (open for interpretation approximately "the bigger picture" / "the bigger everything") a notion introduced earlier. The key-boards seen on the wall of clouds were connected to a hidden computer that mixed the two Treasure Hunters words randomly, the common confession was delivered to the Treasure Hunters via loud speakers and also saved into the word-donation system.
'Risse' (cracks) suggested a path where the Treasure Hunters with the help of looking at the building got guided into the collaborative task of writing, cutting and pasting a text. The text they composed was left at a notice board and other Treasure Hunters, through the instruction given inside a video walk, picked the text up and read it at a different location.

What was the Treasure?

Participants decided themselves when it was time to stop Treasure Hunting. No matter when each Treasure Hunters' own time was up the Treasure Hunting system offered the Treasure Hunter a check-out which existed in a long (20 min) and a short version (5 min). If you want to know what the treasure / check-out was like click here

Photos: Sofia Romberg, Dominik Grünbühel

Facilitators:Laura Weiss, Julian Vogel, Johanna Wolff, Marina Losin, Charlotta Ruth as well as 3rd level participants

Development: Charlotta Ruth in collaboration with Johannes Burström (Sound & Audiovisual programming), Laura Weiss (Graphics & Set Design), Sofia Romberg (Set Design & Carpentery), Marina Losin Text & Communication, Julian Vogel (Web-Design & Dramaturgy) Dominik Grünbühel (Technical Direction and Projections), Alessandra Kopp (Props), Johanna Pfabigan (Technical support)

Co-production WUK Performing Arts Vienna. Supported by Kulturabteilung Stadt Wien,

Sektion 2 des Bundeskanzleramts Austria, Arts Grants Committee Sweden